Monday, February 25, 2013

Challenge #8: Sleep More!

That's right I want you to sleep more!  Seriously, go to bed! 

So many of us are constantly depriving ourselves of a good nights sleep.  Staying up later and later at night to watch the TV, clean the house, play a game, or work is stressing us all out.  A body under stress cannot operate at its best, so it is super important that you take your sleep seriously. There are serious side effects to sleep deprivation such as depression, anxiety, fatigue, overeating, high blood pressure, increased sensitivity to pain, decreased ability to fight infections, etc., etc.  We all need more sleep!

I know this is easier for some than others.  New parents will obviously have a tougher time with this, but trust me, I've been there too (twice!) and it does get better.  When it does get better, get to bed earlier!  You're human and you need sleep!  I'm giving you permission to leave the dishes for the next day so you can sleep more tonight.

So to be more specific, I want you to go to bed 10-15 minutes earlier this week.  Just that little bit might have an astounding effect on how you feel the next day. If you can't get to bed earlier than try to sleep 10-15 minutes later.  Lay your clothes out the night before, take a shower the night before, pack your lunch and water bottle the night before (because I know you should be carrying that water bottle around like it's attached to your hand at this point!).  That way, possibly, you could afford the opportunity to sleep in a little extra in the morning.

Here's what a good nights rest can do for you:

Nighty, night!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Challenge #7: 10 Minutes, Just. For. You!

If you're following along with my challenges, then by now you should be working on two main points:

  • Drinking more water because of this:

...and more!
  • And, putting some extra activity in your day.  Walking and stretching for 10 minutes a day are great ways to start!
If you're having trouble doing these things, don't try to be perfect, just think of the 80/20 rule.  The 80/20 rule really just stresses the fact that we should all be trying to do those good-for-us things at least 80% of the time. 

I love this rule because I'm not perfect (I know, hard to believe), but I don't expect you to be perfect either.  As long as you're aiming at adopting these challenges to 80% of your life, then you're doing GREAT!

Challenge #7 asks you to take some time for yourself.  Please know, though, that I believe all of these challenges mean that you are investing in yourself - SERIOUSLY!  When you start to believe that you deserve to feel as good as some of these challenges can make you feel - then you will never fail!

So in honor of taking more time for yourself, in our seventh week I'm challenging you to turn off the TV, the computer, your phone, get away from your kids, coworkers, pets, parents, whoever or whatever for 10 minutes and just be quiet.  Sitting quietly can be so incredibly rejuvenating.  We have so much noise around us all day long.  So many 'things' and people biding for our time and attention that it is hard to remember who we really are.  It's hard to just get some quiet time in. 

Use the quiet to sit outside, listen to the birds, or the rain, or watch the snow fall.  Grab a cup of tea, or WATER (had to throw that in there) and just be in the moment for 10 minutes.  Again, the world will not fall apart while you are 'stopping to smell the roses'.  That's how you enjoy life, you stop in the midst of it!

Confession: This one is going to be REALLY tough for me, but I'm going to try my best because I know I need it.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Challenge #6: Stretch Yourself

In keeping with that 'Use Your Body' theme I started last week, this week's challenge is to stretch those muscles and ligaments.

Stretching is SO good for you and it is so easy to do.  You don't even have to break a sweat to make those muscles feel better.   

A good, healthy stretch is one where you feel a little challenged, but listen to your body.  It should NOT hurt, just be challenging.  AND remember to BREATHE! Try to hold each stretch for at least 5 deep breaths.  With each breath try and push the stretch a little more.  The oxygen your breathing in can get to your muscles and help them lengthen and expand, which should help you take that stretch a bit farther each time.

This is so easy and so good for you.  Stretching and challenging your body to open and expand with deep breathing is a simplistic synopsis behind what it means to do yoga.  In my opinion, yoga is a sort of active meditation that forces you to concentrate on your breath, your mind, and your body - basically, YOU!  How often do we stop to do that?  I know I wish I could do it more.

So take 10 minutes out of your day and breathe deep into that body of yours. 

Here are some links to some super easy and stress-relieving stretches:

*NOTE: Don't worry if you can't do these perfectly.  You're not meant to it first.  It's about teaching your body a new way to move, so do the best you can and be patient.  It will be challenging at first, but that's what changes us, so keep trying.  I promise, not matter what, you will feel better after you do it.* (A great beginners routine)  (Great for  beginners and overall felxibility) (Stress relieving stretches - My favorites!) (Office stretching!)  (One of my personal favorite stretching routines)

Or use Google to find some of your own stretching ideas! They're easy, relaxing, energizing, and again, GOOD FOR YOU!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Challenge #5: Walk It Out!

I'm working on something fun that will start around mid-March, so all of the challenges for February will focus on getting more active.  That's right - I'll expect you to use that body of yours too!

Don't worry, though, I'm not asking you to commit to a marathon.  All of my challenges for this month  will be something that I promise everyone CAN do!  I promise :-)

So this week's challenge is to make time for a 10 minute walk every day.  Try to put some pep in that step too!  Make those 10 minutes count for something!  Yes, 30 minutes/day is ideal, but even just 10 minutes of brisk walking can have some great benefits on your health.  Still don't believe me?  Well read this:

"Even just 10 minutes of walking altered levels of 20 blood compounds tied to better health, including ones linked to burning fat, controlling blood sugar and cholesterol, building energy and protecting cells from free radical damage. Walking also moved the needle on compounds the researchers didn't know exercise affected, such as niacinamide, which boosts sensitivity to insulin (a good thing). They found another hidden bonus, too: After a 10-minute walk, you get to enjoy the beneficial changes for up to 60 minutes."  - From a syndicated column co-authored by Drs. Mehmet Oz and Mike Roizen

That means....

Do something GREAT for yourself today!  Soooo step away from your desk; take a quick walk around the parking lot after lunch; take your kids outside for a walk after school; take the dogs in the morning or early evening; hop on the treadmill while dinner cooks; take a walk in the parking lot while waiting for your kids to get out of football practice, baseball, dance, band, etc.  You can do this! 

And remember....