Hi everyone! I'm baaaack and I've got a new plan. Something fun that you can join me on. Think of the number 52...as in 52 weeks in this new year!!
I've never really been one to make resolutions at the beginning of the new year. However, I do believe in the power of something new and the beginning of a new year is something huge and new. It holds so much potential and it's so unknown, for good and bad!
So, that being said, I know I want to step into 2013 with a positive attitude open to personal growth and change. That's what I want, but sometimes life throws us curve balls and sad, dark, bad things happen that are scary and challenging to get through. We all know people who have been there, are there, and we've all been there ourselves. My point is that we can't prepare for everything, we can't control everything or everyone, but there are aspects of our lives that can be set right, for the better. That, to me, is what the resolution season is all about. Setting those things, which we know should be set right, on the right track. Take control of the things we really can control!
My idea with the "52 Challenges" is to challenge myself on a weekly basis to change something for the better. Challenges should be a little bit difficult and certainly out of our comfort zone. Something that is difficult and out of our comfort zone is something powerful - it forces us to change, to consider something new, and to grow!
My 52 Challenges are all something that EVERYONE can do and I invite you to join me in this year long endeavor. They will all be small little changes/challenges/additions to our day to day life on a weekly basis that I think are great ways to improve your health, your attitude, your relationships and even your perspective! At least, that is the expectation I have for myself in this endeavor.
Keep in mind, though, I'm no professional. I'm a stay at home mother of 2, who is working VERY hard to adapt my lifestyle to help me become something POSITIVE, HEALTHY, SPIRITUAL, and FULL OF LONG TERM POSSIBILITY for me and my family! This is who I am. I make no guarantees that my successes or suggestions are going to translate exactly to yours, but I do believe that all of these challenges are certainly worth a try! Who doesn't want to have the opportunity to try and experience something positive and something you could possibly feel good about?!
This is how it will work: I'll release a challenge at the beginning of each week. Yes, I realize I'm a little late for the EXACT start of the new year, but hey - there's no better time than now!
You choose to accept, or not accept the challenge along with me. Throughout the week I'll post pictures and little snip-its about my progress and certainly my struggles too and I'll invite you to do the same. Most of it I'll keep up with on this blog, but also the Miles for Mitzie Facebook page too.
Now, most of these challenges are meant to built one upon the other. So start with week 1, then add to it the challenge for week 2, then week 3, and so on. My expectation is NOT to have all of these challenges stick by the end of the year, but instead to have a few of the ones that work best for the life we are trying to create stick at the end of the year. Your 'sticking' challenges will not be the same as my 'sticking' challenges (as in the ones adopted long term), but I hope they'll be as effective!
Also, keep in mind that these challenges are just ideas. I think sometimes the biggest struggle in making a change in our lives is figuring out where to start. These little changes are meant to be a start line, a jumping off point, a beginning. Most importantly, be you, but be the best, happiest and healthiest you possible!
Yes, I'm still all about the annihilation of ovarian cancer, but first and foremost we must take care of ourselves. Some of my challenges will even be built around my Miles for Mitzie events! (I've got something great planned beginning in March!)
So what do you say? Is it time to do something new? Would you like to grow with me? I promise, you can do this.