Sunday, January 20, 2013

Drink Water, Save Calories?? Sort Of...

Before I get to the next challenge, I wanted to congratulate everyone sticking to the 2 glasses of water per day!! Guess what - You have saved yourself nearly 1 pound worth of calories over the past two weeks!!!  Seriously!!

I did some rough math, based on my addiction to Cokes - seriously, it's bad. I know not everyone drinks a 'Coke' the way I do, but we all have some calorie-rich liquid substance that we can equate to my Coke drinking.  And if you're saying 'Nope, I drink diet' or 'Nope, I drink something-other-than-water-that-is-advertised-as-zero-calore' then, yes the calories may not be there, but your body's addiction to sugar is.  Sugar, or sugary like substitutes equals weight gain!  Check out this article

So back to my original point.  1 can of Coke has approximately 150 calories.  However, in my quest to drink more water I, theoretically, swapped out 2 Cokes per day over the past week.  That's 300 calories per day saved! Add that up over Challenge #2's week and that's 2100 calories saved!  Challenge #1 had us all drinking at least 1 glass of water per day, saving at least 150 calories per day.  150 calories per day, for one week is an additional 1,050 calories saved!  The total calories saved over the past two weeks has been 3,150!!  Did you know that one pound is equal to 3,500 calories ( ??  With these simple challenges we have saved nearly 1 pound of calories.  For my 'diet' drinkers, you've saved a TON of sugar substitutes too! Meaning, you are also re-training your brain to use sugar and insulin properly (read the bottom paragraph in this article

So CONGRATULATIONS!!  Your simple efforts to drink a glass of water in the morning and 1 more after dinner have already saved you nearly ONE POUND in calories for the past two weeks!!

I'll post more calorie-saving, water-drinking (uber-hyphenated) challenges tonight!!!  Go Team!!

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