Friday, March 23, 2012

Mile 50: Ricky and Jill Goulart

Mile 50 is from another one of my mom's sisters (she has three of them!)!! It was chosen in honor of the year my mom was born (1950).  Another coincidence, my mom would have turned 50 the year that she past away.  It's a special number for sure. Thank you so much to Ricky and Jill for your donation. 

Jill is one part of the my mom's twin sisters, Jackie and Jill.  Everyone just loves my grandmother's sense of humor in naming them.  Jill's also the life and photographer of many of our parties in Louisiana.  She's one of the super great aunts and she's really good at it, too!  At least it's a LOT of fun to watch her take on 7 kids under the age of 7...they all call her 'Weezer' (as in, 'Steel Magnolias') - and for good reason, too!  :-)  Love you!

Her husband, Ricky, is also awesome with all the little ones, too.  He's got a great sense of humor and he's the best high school softball coach in the state of Louisiana!  Bayou, backyard baseball games are always started by him - and they are always a lot of fun!

Thank you so much Jill and Ricky for all of the love and support!  I'll see Mile #50 on my bike ride...about half way through, so it is sure to make me smile for many, many reasons!!

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