Friday, March 23, 2012

Miles 95, 96, 97 and 98: The Goains Family

Miles 95-98 are a special donation from Kimberly Goains and her family.  Kim, formerly Kim Chrisman, was a dear friend of mine in high school.  We lost touch for a couple of years, but thanks to the evolution of social media we have gotten in contact again.

Her donation is in honor of our high school years together at Kingwood High School.  Wow!  That was a long time ago.  Between us now we have 5 kids (she has three!), husbands, mortgages, bills, and crazy days that keep us on our toes.  I know how hard she works to keep her family going strong as a stay at home mom, and I really, really, really appreciate her donation to this cause.

Thank you so much Kim!!  You seriously made my day the other day!!

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