Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Mile #8: Robin Mazeikas & Mile #88: Dan and Cheryl Young

These two miles have more in common than the number 8. I think it's a cute coincidence that they were also both sponsored in celebration of a wedding/anniversary.  And, as far as I know, the donors did not plan this. 

Mile #8: Robin Mazeikas
This mile belongs to my amazing mother-in-law and she claimed it in honor of me and the hubster's 8th anniversary.  Yes, that's right, I actually think - no wait, KNOW - that my mother-in-law is amazing.  I always say I'm lucky to have married an only child because we don't have to share her with anyone else, but really I'm just plain lucky to have married into Kyle's family! 

Robin is the sweetest, most humble, and GIVING mother-in-law on the planet.  She has never had a mean thing to say about anyone and did I mention how giving she is yet??  She'll do anything to see and spend time with her grandkids (and kids) and she should be given an award for the way that she spoils them rotten (and I mean totally rotten!).  Of course, I can't complain about the way she's made sure to spoil her son and I rotten in the process. Yes, I do think we're spoiled by her, but I can live with that :-)

Thank you so much Robin for all the great love and support...and for Mile #8!!!

Mile #88: Dan & Cheryl Young, the "All You Need is Love" mile
Dan & Cheryl are my step-mom's brother and sister-in-law.  They've purchased mile #88 in honor of the year that they got married (1988).  Everybody say 'awwwww'!  I just love that!

The Young family has always been such sweet and loving additions to my life.  They've welcomed us into their homes and lives, unconditionally and have always made us feel loved.  What a blessing they are!  Dan & Cheryl live here in The Woodlands and I'll ride my bike right near their house on race day. And they're right...all we really do need is love!


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