Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Mile #131: Michelle Arango "The QUOTEal Mile"

Mile #131:

Woo hooo!!!  Another mile has been claimed thanks to my amazing friend Michelle Arango!!  I met Michelle in my sorority house at LSU.  Funny enough, the same night that we were introduced we also decided to become roommates, which worked out great for me because Michelle had enough points to get us one of the best rooms in the sorority house!  Score!! 

I can honestly credit Michelle with my amazing abs.  She is one of those friends that I can ALWAYS find something to not just giggle at, but to laugh so hard that I need to hold on to things to keep me from falling on the floor in hysterical convulsions.  Yes, she is that funny...and we are just that darn funny together (at least WE think so). 

So why 'The QUOTEal Mile"??  Well, besides the fact that Michelle says everyone will be able to read the 'New Orleans in her' through the way she combined the words QUOTE and TEAL together, I believe it also has something to do with a little tradition she and I have carried through our years as friends together.  'The quote wall', as we like to call it, is our little homage to just how witty we think we are.  You see, in the midst or our uncontrollable fits of laughter we find genius!!  And genius must be written down and posted to a wall in honor, recognition, and just for another good laugh any time you need it!  I know - at this point you are all jealous of our ingenuity and the amazing friendship that spawned this sort of classic material.  You should be! :-)

Why mile #131?  Michelle says she just wanted to give me something to laugh at while on the run and because we will both be 31 at the time that this insanity takes place.  Love it!

Thanks Michelle for the laughter and all of the amazing support you have given me along the way!!  Mile #131 "The QUOTEal Mile" will be awesome!!

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