Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Introducing: A Logo!!!

Yes, I'm just a weee bit excited about the image we can now proudly attach to our name.  Why not, though?  It looks awesome!! 

But, you also need to know how I was so blessed to run across the amazing artist behind this creation.

Nancy Parsons is a wonderful friend of a wonderful friend of mine, Meredith Sharp.  When Meredith found out I was looking to create a logo she hopped on it and sent Nancy an e-mail to see if she could help me out.  Not only was Nancy willing to help me out, but she was willig to donate her skills and talent to our little organization.  That's right!! Nancy did this amazing work all pro-bono! 

The reason, Nancy recently lost a good friend to ovarian cancer and her message to me was "This is my way of honoring my friend and paying it forward."  Thank you so much Nancy!  I hope I can do this right for you, your friend, and all of us who have lost someone to ovarian cancer.

Please, my friends and family - help me spread the word about this disease.  Come be a part of my fight against this disease.  Follow Nancy's amazing example and 'pay it forward' in any way you can.  Use your talents and gifts to make a difference in another woman's life.  Or, make a little room in your budget or on your wish lists and make a donation to my cause by pressing the purple and gold link above.  Put one of my Ironman mile numbers on your wishlist and ask your friends and family to help you fight ovarian cancer!

Thanks again to the amazing Nancy Parsons for my beautiful logo!  I love it!!

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