Thursday, October 27, 2011

It's a Contest!!!

Hi. My name is Lauri and I take horrible pictures.  There, that feels better.  Now, I need your help to make it all better and of course I can't resist the urge to make it fun and maybe a little competitive too.   I need pictures, people, pictures!!  Pictures of what you say??  Mile markers!!

So get your digital cameras and camera phones out and start hunting down signs like this:

And this:

But not this:

Sorry, phantom, moving mile markers do not count.  We must see them sitting still, smiling, looking pretty and behaving for the picture.

Yes, I'm looking for mile marker signs. And, I have attempted to get a lot of them myself, but I have come to the conclusion that I need help.  You see, this is how my mile marker pictures turn out:


Dang car!!!, so sad.
So please help me recover my sanity, put your awesome photography skills to use (trust me, I know, I've seen your pictures and they are grrrrreat!).  I'm looking for Mile Markers 1 - Mile Marker 500 (for starters)

E-mail the pictures to me at or post them here on the Miles for Mitzie facebook page. 

Whoever has the most miles available for me to use by the time the Ironman rolls around (that's May 19, 2012) will get a special Miles for Mitzie goodie bag from me!  Plus, I'll also have several 'secret mile markers' in mind along the way and if you happen to take a picture of one of those then I'll make sure and take extra special notice!  So, there are several chances and ways to play and win!!!  Woo hoo!!!

So warm up those cameras and phones and get to snapping.  Who knows - it could make you famous!!

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