Monday, November 14, 2011

Mile #110: The Autism Awareness Mile

A VERY special thanks to our first corporate mile sponsor, BRITE Success, LLC!!!  This amazing business stepped up in the name of autism awareness and, in turn, gets to show off their support for ovarian cancer awareness.

BRITE Success selected Mile #110 because it is estimated that nearly 1 in every 110 children are diagnosed with some form of autism.  According to the BRITE Success website that is more than childhood cancer, juvenile diabetes, and pediatric AIDS combined!  That statistic is mind-boggling to me. 

At BRITE Success they help families and professionals learn how to prepare these special children for success in education and life.  Please visit their website and learn more about their amazing business.  I'm so glad they were able to join me on my Ironman journey and hopefully help their cause as well!

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