Monday, February 25, 2013

Challenge #8: Sleep More!

That's right I want you to sleep more!  Seriously, go to bed! 

So many of us are constantly depriving ourselves of a good nights sleep.  Staying up later and later at night to watch the TV, clean the house, play a game, or work is stressing us all out.  A body under stress cannot operate at its best, so it is super important that you take your sleep seriously. There are serious side effects to sleep deprivation such as depression, anxiety, fatigue, overeating, high blood pressure, increased sensitivity to pain, decreased ability to fight infections, etc., etc.  We all need more sleep!

I know this is easier for some than others.  New parents will obviously have a tougher time with this, but trust me, I've been there too (twice!) and it does get better.  When it does get better, get to bed earlier!  You're human and you need sleep!  I'm giving you permission to leave the dishes for the next day so you can sleep more tonight.

So to be more specific, I want you to go to bed 10-15 minutes earlier this week.  Just that little bit might have an astounding effect on how you feel the next day. If you can't get to bed earlier than try to sleep 10-15 minutes later.  Lay your clothes out the night before, take a shower the night before, pack your lunch and water bottle the night before (because I know you should be carrying that water bottle around like it's attached to your hand at this point!).  That way, possibly, you could afford the opportunity to sleep in a little extra in the morning.

Here's what a good nights rest can do for you:

Nighty, night!

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