Sunday, February 17, 2013

Challenge #7: 10 Minutes, Just. For. You!

If you're following along with my challenges, then by now you should be working on two main points:

  • Drinking more water because of this:

...and more!
  • And, putting some extra activity in your day.  Walking and stretching for 10 minutes a day are great ways to start!
If you're having trouble doing these things, don't try to be perfect, just think of the 80/20 rule.  The 80/20 rule really just stresses the fact that we should all be trying to do those good-for-us things at least 80% of the time. 

I love this rule because I'm not perfect (I know, hard to believe), but I don't expect you to be perfect either.  As long as you're aiming at adopting these challenges to 80% of your life, then you're doing GREAT!

Challenge #7 asks you to take some time for yourself.  Please know, though, that I believe all of these challenges mean that you are investing in yourself - SERIOUSLY!  When you start to believe that you deserve to feel as good as some of these challenges can make you feel - then you will never fail!

So in honor of taking more time for yourself, in our seventh week I'm challenging you to turn off the TV, the computer, your phone, get away from your kids, coworkers, pets, parents, whoever or whatever for 10 minutes and just be quiet.  Sitting quietly can be so incredibly rejuvenating.  We have so much noise around us all day long.  So many 'things' and people biding for our time and attention that it is hard to remember who we really are.  It's hard to just get some quiet time in. 

Use the quiet to sit outside, listen to the birds, or the rain, or watch the snow fall.  Grab a cup of tea, or WATER (had to throw that in there) and just be in the moment for 10 minutes.  Again, the world will not fall apart while you are 'stopping to smell the roses'.  That's how you enjoy life, you stop in the midst of it!

Confession: This one is going to be REALLY tough for me, but I'm going to try my best because I know I need it.

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