Friday, April 20, 2012

Mile #5: Ellen Simmons "Kate Johnson's Mile" + Mile #6: Rachel Melville and Mile #9: Christopher Gerardy (Also gave in honor of Kate)

Mile #5: Ellen Simmons; Mile #6, Rachel Melville and Mile #9, Christopher Gerardy: "Kate Johnson's Miles"

Special thanks to Ellen Simmons for Mile #5 in honor of her wonderful friend Kate Johnson.  Kate is, sadly, nearing the end of her battle with ovarian cancer.  This mile is in recognition of a wonderful, courageous lady who Ellen has felt priviledged to know.

I should also recognize Rachel Melville (Mile #6) and Christopher Gerardy (Mile #9) of Fort Wayne, IN.  They are friends of Ellen, and have also had the privilege of calling Kate a dear friend.  They have also made a donation to this cause in honor of Kate Johnson.

Please, from the bottom of my heart, pray for Kate and her family and friends.  Please Lord, let Kate know how much she is loved, how many people she has touched deeply, and how much she will be missed by so, so many people.

Kate, I don't know you, but Mile #5, Mile #6 and Mile #9 are all for you!

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