Thursday, April 12, 2012

Mile #135: Nicola Reading Mans, "Mans Power Mile"

Mile #135: Nicola Reading Mans, "Mans Power Mile"

Mile 135 is sponsored by a great family friend of all the Gremillion kids.  "Nikki" as we called her in high school, and beyond, has always found a way to show her amazing support to our it's no surpise she went and did it again with 140.6 Miles for Mitzie.

The 'Mans Power Mile' is meant to help me power through the last few miles at the end of a very long day.  Nikki knows what she's talking about too...she's no stranger to the half Ironman distance, so she knows the full Ironman is no joke - especially at the end.

Thank you so much Nikki!!!  I hope we can see you again on race day, too!!

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