Sunday, January 1, 2012

Mile # 12 and 13.0-13.5: Mark and Whitney's '12th Man Mile'

Mile #12 and 13.0-13.5: '12th Man Mile'
Being from Texas, and racing in Texas, I just knew an Aggie mile was bound to show up at some point.  Mark and Whitney are some of the biggest Texas A&M fans I know...and they may be the only Aggies I dedicate a room of my LSU-run house to.  But that's only because they are family and happen to be the parents of one of the prettiest little nieces in the world... right? *wink,wink*

I guess before I am written into a fight song threatening to 'sawing' anything off of me, I should state that through my brother and sister-in-law I have come to see Texas A&M as a great school, with lots of pride and really unique, but fun, traditions!  I'm excited to get the chance to bike through Mile #12 in honor of a great school legend. Just don't judge me too harshly if my "Gig 'Em" sounds a lot like "Geaux Tigers" - ha!

Thanks for all the Aggie love, Mark and Whit!  You rock!!

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