Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Ironman Texas Training and the Houston Marathon are HERE!

So it was the first official day of Ironman Texas training.  However, since thunder and tornado warnings kept me from the pool, I did a 90 minute yoga class. 

Really, this week and next week's schedule are going to look super easy to most people beginning this program.  The reason is that I'm running the Houston Marathon on Sunday.  So my coach scheduled a taper week this week to rest my legs for the race, and a rest week (super easy) next week to recover from the marathon.

I have to remember on marathon day the marathon is a 'B' race this year.  I had gone into my training for the marathon to get a personal best, but as the training has come to a close and I've noticed some tightness and fatigue in my muscles, my husband (aka, my mental coach) says to me "You can't got all out on the marathon.  Treat it as a training run for Ironman and don't worry about a personal best."  My coach, who is not that happy with me doing a January marathon, says "Enjoy the race, but don't push it.  You don't want to get injured 18 weeks before an Ironman."  A friend from my gym says "Run easy, not slow.  Then at mile 20, if you feel good, just run home" 

Okay, okay I get it...this will not be my 'A Game' Race.  So much for a PR...but in many ways that's a good thing!  I love the Houston Marathon, so now I can just enjoy the run.  Listen to my music, get a good long run in with about 20,000 others while being cheered on by the amazing spectators on the course, full water stops and port-a-potties for me to use along my chosen route, and I get a medal when I'm done!  Pretty sweet deal to me!!

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