Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Mile #92: Ribbons to Remember Mile

Mile #92: Ribbons to Remember Mile
This is a pretty incredible addition to the mile list because it comes from another organization dedicated to fighting ovarian cancer and raising awareness to this disease.  This is incredible to me because I haven't met a single person from this group, but they stepped out to support this effort in a great way.

Please check out their website here www.ribbonstoremember.org and check them out on Facebook.  Let them know team Miles for Mitzie says 'hello'!!

This mile is in honor of a special lady whose story you can read about here.  Mile #92 represents her birthdate.  Her story is just one more reason why fighting this silent killer is so important.  Similar to my mom, her cancer was basically discovered by accident.  The symptoms were so vague they were easily overlooked.

Please keep the ovarian cancer symptoms in mind; Persistent bloating, abdominal pain, indigestion, urinary troubles, and abnormal weight loss/gain.  Call your doctor if they persist for more than a few weeks and be persistent in finding your answers.  A pap smear does NOT detect ovarian cancer.  Tests that can help are a transvaginal ultrasound and getting a CA125 blood test. 

Thank you Ribbons to Remember for all that you do....and THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for supporting my effort!  We'll stop this disease one day!!

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