Tuesday, May 15, 2012

More Miles!!!

My fundraising total is now just over $5000!!  That's amazing and such an honor!!  I feel so blessed by all of you who have made this possible for me.  I just can't even say 'Thank You' enough, but I will try...here's some of my newest 'Miles'

Mile #17: Matt and Paula Porrier, "Just Married Mile"
  This mile was claimed by my cousin, Paula and her new husband Matt in honor of their newest status, 'Just Married'.  Thank you for the support and I'm so happy to welcome Matt into our family, too! 

Mile #49: Linda Gremillion Chandler
  Thank you to my other Aunt Linda for claiming Mile #49!  Linda is my dad's older sister and she lives in Wisconsin, so we don't get to see her nearly as much as we would like.  Despite the distance though, she has always been an amazing support system for our family and is one of the first to show up in any time of need, or just to play with her grand nieces and nephews.  She definately has a knack for finding the coolest Green Bay Packers trucks for my son, too - he still plays with the one she gave him several years ago!  Thanks again Linda!  We can't wait to see you again!!

Mile #99: Robin Mazeikas, In Memory of Her Father
  My amazing mother in law donated again!  Thank you, Robin!!  This mile is in memory of her father who passed away in 1999. 

Also, special thanks to Judy Vogel for Mile 61, thanks to Geoff and Heather Burke, Gary and Betty Ann Fillette, and Dad (again!)!

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