Monday, March 5, 2012

Update: Yes I'm Still Alive...

I'm just very tired and hungry.  Since training began back in January, and since I've been working very hard at starting one business to feed another I find that sleeping and eating have taken on a whole new meaning in my life.  There are also a few other things that have a whole new meaning to me.  For example; towels, water bottles, caffeine, and complex carbohydrates - More on that all later.

First, I think I need to update everyone on a few things:

April 1, 2012: My first Ironman sanctioned race of the season is at Moody Gardens in Galveston, TX.

The Lonestar Half Ironman is half the distance that I will be racing in The Woodlands on May 19, so it's a great 'ramp up' race.  Hopefully you might want to come out and see me, but you might also consider coming out to watch Lance Armstrong, too.  Yes, I have no problem name dropping to get people out on the course.  Plus, Lance is a cancer survivor and he works daily to raise money for the cure, too.  How can you not love that?  The only difference between us is that his favorite color is yellow...mine is TEAL!  That's it! (Just don't look at any of his splits on race day....and the only reason why I will finish SEVERAL hours after him is that I start much later too)

May 5, 2012: Team Miles for Mitzie is at it again for the Sprint For Life with MD Anderson!  Sign up today to participate with us. 

This race benefits the Blanton-Davis Ovarian Cancer Fund at MD Anderson...and there are a lot of great events that lead up to the big race day as well.  I plan on getting some shirts together for our team again this year...they'll be awesome and you can also wear them on Ironman race day too!!  Don't worry - bright and obnoxious colors are all I'm thinking about right now :-)  I promise you'll love them!!
 Team Miles for Mitzie at Sprint For Life 2011!

May 19, 2012: D-Day!!! (Anyone else hear the theme for Jaws playing??)  Ironman Texas will be here for me in 11 weeks and I'm freaking out just a little bit, but that's okay... right?

 I mean, it's only the biggest thing I've ever done, the most training I've ever put in, the most time away from my family I've ever given up to chase a dream, and the most money I hope to raise - all in the name of fighting Ovarian Cancer. Who am I kidding - That's HUGE!!!  I have a huge fundraising goal to meet too and a LOOOOOONG way to go to get there.  Please help me spread the word and get across that white line on race day with a $14,060 weight lifted off my shoulders and placed in the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund's hands...all in my mom's amazing memory.

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